Pack System - Parented system for the assembly quickly the transformer


The system foresees the supply of "E" packs and "I" packs having a thickness allowing the fitting in the already arranged colls.
For this reason, when ordering the supply, the pack thickness must be specified.
The assembly is made by fitting the "E" pack in the coll and placing the "I" pack on it and exerting a presure enough to fix them.
A simple hydraulic machine able to assemble the different packs of different sizes can be supllied for this operation.
It is necessary to chenge the limiting guides for each available size; this operation will take no more than ten minutes.
The advantages of this system can be summaried as follows:
  • quickness of assembly greater than the one of any other system
  • lack of stock of "E" laminations without "I" laminations or vice versa
  • easiness of the operations that canbe therefore made by any worker
  • lack of rejects (such as bent laminations, laminations whit burrs or of different thickness) as the packs supplied coupled (E+I) are fully usable
  • absence of metal bars inceded for the normal packaging

All the above mentioned reasons persuaded many of our customers to modify their traditional assembling system ( fitted with rolling machines or welding) getting great benefits.

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